Proto-OKN Projects
Theme 1:
Proto-OKN Use Cases
Fifteen projects in this category will develop knowledge graphs or “nodes” of the Proto-OKN that address specific use-case challenges using well-identified data sets and a user-centric design process to help ensure usability and sustainability of the effort. Theme 1 Use Case projects will work in close collaboration with Theme 2 OKN Fabric projects to deploy their use cases on a common implementation fabric.
Theme 2:
Proto-OKN Fabric
Projects in this category are dedicated to developing and deploying essential technologies that will form an ‘interconnecting fabric’ for the Proto-OKN. This fabric will help link the knowledge graphs developed across the fifteen Theme 1 projects.
Theme 3:
Proto-OKN Education & Public Engagement
Theme 3 projects will develop educational materials and tools aimed at various groups anticipated to engage with the Proto-OKN. These target audiences include end-users, senior executives/decision-makers, technical developers, and students at graduate, undergraduate, as well as middle and high school levels.